About Us
There’s probably not another company in Edmonton quite like Grey Lion, just take a look at some of our achievements over the last 15 years: Most companies specialize in 1 area, we specialize in several.
We have a real passion for our work and take pride in making our customer's projects a success. We are always looking to new industries solutions to construction problems and striving to lead where we can in both safety and innovation.
We have found that understanding more of the construction process has helped find issues in design or manufacturing before they become on site problems or delays to the construction schedule.
When we first sat down at a Tim Hortons in early 2007 to discuss a business venture we wanted to call it something that represented both our names (Jashub Leo & Peter Grey). Taking each last name we called the new company Grey Lion. With the big majestic cat in mind and an emphases on our commitment to doing a job to the best of our abilities we chose our slogan “Our Pride is in our work”